
Publication research

Keeping track of all existing articles about dementia is daunting. In the many studies that have already been published, it is possible that leads may be found for a cure. By combining the articles and the different perspectives we hope to come up with new ideas for our search for causes and solutions.

Fundamental research

If the exact cause of a disease is found, a cure may also be near. By contributing to research into protein structures (Protein Design) we help lay a foundation for customized medication that may also be made for rare diseases in small quantities. Read about our past contributions in:

Expertise in the field of HPC

HPC, or High Performance Computing is a method in which computers work together to solve a problem. That could be a simulation or a search for a needle in a haystack. A number of results in the papers in Nature came about with the help of our compute cluster. Over the years we have built up expertise in the field of HPC, GPGPU computing and Machine Learning that we share with other institutions.

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