Over the past 10 years proteïns have been designed in the Fold.it project. In this process a string of beads, as it were, is designed using beads in such a way that the string takes on a specific shape. It is a very elaborate process in which promising designs are first analyzed statistically. This is done by processing the model by a network of more than 40.000 computers worldwide, the so-called 'Rosetta at home' network. The result of that first analysis are the red graphs in the image above.
If the red graph takes on a characteristic plume shape, things get serious. Because the chemical sequence of the design, the sequence of the beads, is known, fragments of DNA can be ordered so that, when put together into a bacterium, they will spell the 'blueprint' of the designed model. Such a piece of DNA can be compared to a letter in a letterbox which, when placed in the right order, spells the desired word. In this case the DNA pieces were inserted into the Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacterium. This modified bacterium will then start to produce the chemical substance that was designed on the computer ('spelling' the desired 'word').
When there is enough of the material collected (enough copies of the 'word' created), the material is crystallized. Think of a salty solution that is being evaporated, the salt remains. The crystal now is bombarded with x-rays to determine the 3d structure. In a sense an x-ray is taken of the crystal. In the paper mentioned here, 146 models were tested this way. 56 of those not only turned out to be exactly as designed but also remained stable when put in liquid.
Harald Feldmann has worked on 5 of these successful, stable, designs.
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